
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Things which happened the last 10 days

Tormod, my hostbrother, got 31 years old. I was baking him a cake. What flavour? Cake flavour, of course! :-) (to understand this joke click here) It was a chocolate cake, how you can see on the picture, with a secret recipe which I got when I was 10 years old.
On Saturday I had with my volleyball team a volleyball tournament. It was amazing. Our team played as good as never before in this season and at the end were we on the second place. In the group matches did we never lose. So were we directly in the semifinal. There we played our best match ever and after a very exhausting match won we 2:1 (in the last set just 15:13). Unfortunately had we to play the final following without a break between.

On Sunday I was with Helene on the little christmas market in Fredriksten Festning Halden. That is the fortress in Halden. You could also go in the museum there for free and so were we visiting it. It had some nice stuff in there but actually was it just a museum. I learned also something about the history from Halden. For example that the city was called in the past "Fredrikshald". 

There was a problem to turn the picture around, so I just uploaded it like this. Typical tourist photo ;-)

Today I was in a children theatre for which I got tickets from Anne, because she says, that is Norwegian culture and tradition. It was a story about animals in a forest (hakkebakke skog = hakkebakke forest). To translate "hakkebakke" doesn't make much sence. It would be something like "hack hill". It was sweet to see, how fascinated the small chldren were. For me was it a bit tiring to listen to the Norwegian, but I understood almost everything.

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